1-21-02 :: Anyfuckin'way, I need Help, I can't run this mother fucking site all by my self, well I could, I just don't wanna.....
So if you feel you need somethin' ta do and your a KmK fan, then fucking e-mail me, I don't care what you wanna do, if it's find pics for me to post, get info on upcomming projects, hell I dun care if it's random babbling, we'll make your own little section just for that.

But if you wanna help actually make the site and design it, then I'll need some kind of proof that you know what your doing.... just some little demo of your skills. Nothin' big.

Besides all that bullshit, I know the place ain't got much right now, but hey this is only two days worth of work, it should be good by next week, even better if I get help!!